Freshen your yoga mat with this light-scented spray, which can be used to freshen up closets, linens and even to clean toys! Perfect for adults and the little yogis in your life.
"I think kind thoughts. I say kind words. I do kind things.
I am kind to you and kind to myself."
It is cool to be kind. Kindness is a strength and a superpower.
EVERY being deserves to be treated with kindness and respect.
SCENT : Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang, Rose Lavender, Frankincense
4oz spray bottle
Our supplier has added a thoughtful blend of pure therapeutic-grade essential oils to base that includes; witch hazel, aloe, grape-seed extract, tea tree oil and alcohol.
- Spraying into the atmosphere of rooms (classrooms, bedrooms, offices, yoga studios, etc) to enhance mindfulness, positive moods and set the intention.
- Spraying onto clothing and bedding to lightly scent and refresh (great for after yoga practice, working out, or sports practice. Or before you go into a meeting, or at home when you go to bed to help you relax.
- The combination of tea tree oil, witch hazel and grape-seed oil with essential oils make them great for wiping down and cleaning your yoga mat, fitness equipment, toys, and other surfaces.